
I am fortunate to work with these talented students:

Current Students

  • Tao Lv
    • 06/2024 – : M.Eng. Student in Computer Science, Shenzhen University
    • 09/2020 – 05/2024: B.Eng. in Computer Science, South China University of Technology
  • Chi’ang Zhang
    • 06/2024 – : M.Eng. Student in Computer Science, Shenzhen University
    • 09/2019 – 05/2023: B.Eng. in Computer Science, Huazhong University of Science and Technology


  • Wangjiang Gong
    • 09.2024 – : Ph.D. Student in Computer Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
    • 01/2023 – 08/24: Co-authored Submission to [MobiCom’25, Summer], Research: Diffusion-Enhanced Video Streaming
  • Haodong Wang
    • 09.2024 – : Ph.D. Student in Computer Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
    • 11/2023 – 08/2024: Co-authored Submission to [MobiCom’25, Summer], Research: Lightweight MoE on Edge Devices
  • Ruibin Li
    • Co-authored [AAAI’24, ACM MM’24, IJCAI’24], Current: Ph.D. Student@Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPFS Awarded)
  • Liacheng Liang
    • Co-authored [AAAI’23, TPAMI’24], Current: Ph.D. Student@Stony Brook University
  • Jun Pan
    • Co-authored [AAAI’23, TPAMI’24], Current: NLP Researcher@Lenovo Group
  • Boyuan Luo
    • Co-authored [USENIX ATC’21, IoTJ’21, IoTJ’22], Current: Software Engineer@Xiaomi Corporation